How to Retrieve Old Pay Stubs
Are you looking to retrieve old pay stubs from a previous employer? Have you misplaced last months pay stubs and now you need it? There are ways for you to retrieve your old pay stubs. Pay stubs are important and are needed for a few different reasons. If you have misplaces your pay stubs, or maybe you need old stubs from a previous job, you can definitely go about getting those.
If you are still employed with the company of the stubs that you are looking for, you should be able to gather them relatively easily. First off, try and find them on your own. A lot of companies provide their pay stubs for their employees digitally because it saves time and money. If your company does this you should be able to log back into whatever system they use and find the stub. Some companies also go ahead and just email out the stubs to their employees. If your company does that you should try and go through your email inbox and trash and recover them yourself.
The goal should always be to try and help yourself. If you have done everything you can to try and find the stub on your own you can ask whoever does your payroll to please go back through the previous months and pull your stubs for you again. This can be a bit of a hassle for the employer so do your best to find your stubs yourself first.
If you are looking to retrieve stubs from a company for whom you no longer work, it can be a bit more tricky. You likely do not feel comfortable to walk into the office and visit with the people about going back through to find your stubs.
Luckily, most companies do have an HR department of some time. Human resources departments job is to help you with these kinds of requests. You should be able to find the contact information for someone in HR on the business website or by searching on Google. A will likely have to provide some proof of identification, but they should be able to find the stubs for you and provide you with them.